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Qualcomm, Verizon, Ericsson to conduct tests in 3.5 GHz band

2014-07-17 13:09:24| Source:

Qualcomm, Verizon and Ericsson have filed applications with the FCC to conduct field trials with spectrum-sharing technology in the 3550-3650 MHz band at several potential locations, according to on July 15, 2014. The trials will combine the 3.5 GHz spectrum configured as LTE supplemental downlink with Verizon\'s existing LTE network to enable the addition of 3.5 GHZ capacity to its existing lower-band coverage network. These trials will evaluate the benefits of adding 3.5 GHz spectrum to Verizon\'s network with a specific focus on understanding how 3.5 GHz spectrum will work in an everyday setting. Later this month, Verizon, Qualcomm, Ericsson and iconectiv will conduct lab testing of Authorized Shared Access/Licensed Shared Access technologies at Ericsson\'s facilities in Plano, Texas. The companies plan to demonstrate how spectrum sharing can both complement Verizon\'s LTE network and protect government operations from harmful interference. The spectrum could be used to increase network capacity in high-demand areas like stadiums, college campuses and airports.
