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TDC upgrades 1,000 BTS to support 3G, 4G

2014-07-21 14:22:18| Source:

TDC, Denmark’s largest mobile operator in terms of subscribers, has announced that it has upgraded over 1,000 base transceiver stations (BTS), reported on July 18, 2014. The renovated stations are predominantly located on Zealand, the country’s largest and most populated island. The deployment is designed to support 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology, while the next stage of upgrades will improve network coverage by refarming the company’s 3G network to UMTS-900. TDC has revealed that the network equipment currently being upgraded handles over 40 percent of its total traffic.

TDC notes that the upgrade work will extend to Funen and Jutland in late summer and autumn. By February 2015, TDC plans to have upgraded all 3,500 BTS . Meanwhile, the company’s traffic volume in Bornholm has increased by 33 percent.
