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BT renews efforts in mobile sector with launch of ‘One Phone’ service

2014-07-21 14:37:32| Source:

British fixed-line incumbent BT has announced a note worthy new service by unveiling its “One Phone” product, reported on July 18, 2014. The company claims One Phone will bring together all of a company’s office- and mobile-phone needs into a single service hosted in the Cloud and delivered on a mobile phone”. The new offering, which BT says works with “a full range” of handsets via the insertion of the BT One Phone SIM, links all of an individual’s numbers to his or her work mobile phone. To install the service, the telco says that in most cases it will construct a dedicated mobile network in a customer’s premises, so that any phone with a BT One Phone SIM will automatically connect as soon as it’s in range. Outside of these areas, BT says there will be a seamless handover between the dedicated mobile network and the national infrastructure utilized by BT Mobile. The latter is a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) with services over EE’s 2G, 3G and 4G networks.
