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One2many demonstrates emergency alerts on LTE small cells

2014-07-21 14:21:29| Source:

Dutch cell broadcast technology company one2many has demonstrated wireless emergency alerts on LTE small cells at the Small Cell LTE Plugfest organized by ETSI at Orange Lab in Paris, reported on July 18, 2014. One2many now supports emergency alerts on CDMA, GSM, 3G, LTE and Wi-Fi networks.

By connecting its CBC and broadcasting live CMAS messages one2many enabled mobile network equipment vendors to assess their CMAS/Cell Broadcast product interoperability and verify the correct interpretation of 3GPP and other base specifications.

Cell Broadcast technology delivers a non-intrusive, real-time service for the distribution of text-based messages to mobile handsets, specific to their current location. It is capable of broadcasting one single message to reach all mobile handsets in an area as small as one radio cell and as big as an entire country within seconds.

Some of the Public Warning initiatives around the world are EU-Alert in the Netherlands, ETWS and CMAS launched in the US by the FCC and FEMA.
