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Osnova Telecom implements LTE-Advanced on its TDD network

2014-08-28 17:41:21| Source:

Osnova Telecom, a Russian federal LTE operator, is ready to implement LTE Advanced on all network territory. During the large-scale tests Osnova Telecom has achieved data transferring speed of 226,1 Mbs.

It was the first test of TD LTE Advanced with spectrum aggregation in Russia. Osnova Telecom used base stations of its own network with partly update of software and hardware. Peak speed of data transferring on end-user terminal was measured at 226,1 Mbs, the average speed in fully loaded network – 222,1 Mbs. Mobile routers Huawei E5186 and E5786 of 6 class were used as end-user equipment.

Test results have proven Osnova Telecom\'s possibility to migrate to LTE Advanced without essential CAPEX. The company plans to implement this technology both on ready-to-use networks and networks that are on construction stage.

Osnova Telecom plans to start commercial operations in 2014. At this time the network is ready for launch in 19 Russian cities.
