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Orange Slovakia opens LTE to prepaid customers

2014-09-05 13:48:17| Source:

Orange Slovakia has become the first operator in Slovakia to open LTE Internet to prepaid customers, reported on Sept 4, 2014. Since July, the 4G LTE network has been available for postpaid customers automatically without any additional fees. From September 3 the 4G network is now automatically available for customers of the prepaid cards Prima, as well as for customers of the MVNO FunFon. LTE traffic already makes up 4 percent of total mobile data traffic on Orange\'s network. The opening of LTE for prepaid customers will run gradually until mid-September. The only condition is that a user has an active data plan and uses a device supporting LTE. Orange\'s LTE network is available in Bratislava, Kosice and Banska Bystrica, and by the end of the year, Orange will cover another 21 cities or a total 30 percent of the population.
