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Telenor Hungary tests Hipernet 4G network at Lak... 15 th / 9 / 2014

Mobile network operator Telenor Hungary (formerly Pannon) tested its new Hipernet-branded 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) network at Lake Balaton in August, offering vi...

Yoigo to offer 4G to Open Cable depending on CNM... 12 th / 9 / 2014

Spanish mobile operator Yoigo has signed an agreement to provide mobile network services, including 4G, to Open Cable Telecomunicaciones.

Magyar Telekom 4G service attracts 250,000 custo... 12 th / 9 / 2014

The Hungarian operator Magyar Telekom has said that about 250,000 customers were signed up for its 4G mobile Internet service, in September, for a six-fold increase...

CRC to revoke 4G Com’s license for non-payment 12 th / 9 / 2014

Bulgaria’s Communications Regulation Commission is planning on revoking the wireless concession for a 2×8-MHz block of spectrum in the 1800-MHz band that was granted...

Vodafone bundles HD football with 4G offers 12 th / 9 / 2014

Vodafone Italia is providing three ways to get a one-year HD subscription to Italy\'s top-tier Serie A football league.

4G Americas expects 40 LTE-Advanced networks by... 12 th / 9 / 2014

4G Americas expects to see 40 or more commercial LTE-Advanced networks globally by the end of this year.