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TDC upgrades 1,000 BTS to support 3G, 4G 21 st / 7 / 2014

TDC, Denmark’s largest mobile operator in terms of subscribers, has announced that it has upgraded over 1,000 base transceiver stations (BTS), repo...

One2many demonstrates emergency alerts on LTE sm... 21 st / 7 / 2014

Dutch cell broadcast technology company one2many has demonstrated wireless emergency alerts on LTE small cells at the Small Cell LTE Plugfest organized by ETSI at Or...

Mobilis said to be planning 4G deployment 21 st / 7 / 2014

Algerie Telecom Mobile (Mobilis), the mobile arm of fixed-line incumbent Algerie Telecom (AT), is planning to launch 4G LTE technology, reported on...

Softbank’s Ymobile to offer cut-rate mobile serv... 21 st / 7 / 2014

Ymobile Corp (previously eAccess), Japan’s fourth largest cellco in terms of subscribers, has unveiled a flat-rate mobile service, reported on July...

OPT to spend $45 million on 3G/4G rollout 21 st / 7 / 2014

The state-backed Office des Postes et Telecommunications (OPT) plans to invest XPF 4 billion ($45.2 million) in mobile subsidiary Vini in 2014 and 2015 to extend its...

Free adds unlimited SMS from European countries... 18 th / 7 / 2014

French operator Free Mobile has included unlimited SMS from Europe and French overseas territories to mobiles in France in its 19.99 EUR-per-month service plan, Tele...