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ZTE Launches D3-ELAA Solution, Leading the New E... 11 th / 7 / 2024

ZTE Corporation, a global leading provider of integrated information and communication technology solutions, has unveiled the groundbreaking D3-ELAA (Dynamic, Distri...

Odido Activates New 5G Frequencies in Netherland... 11 th / 7 / 2024

Netherlands telecom provider Odido activated its recently acquired 5G frequencies on July 10, 2024.

Korean Carriers Partner to Boost Domestic 5G IoT... 10 th / 7 / 2024

Korean operators SK Telecom, KT and LG Uplus and the Radio Promotion Association of Korea (RAPA) have signed an agreement to foster the ability of small and medium-s...

Huawei Claims First Commercial 5G-A Version Base... 10 th / 7 / 2024

Huawei noted that more than 60 operators have unveiled their plans to commercialize 5G-A

MasOrange Boosts Barcelona Port with SA 5G 10 th / 7 / 2024

MasOrange pledged to invest €3.6 millionthe deployment of standalone (SA) 5G at the Port of Barcelona over the next five years, providing a connectivity boost for ma...

Vodafone Trials Network Slicing at UK Music Fest... 10 th / 7 / 2024

Vodafone partnered with a Glastonbury Festival drink vendor to demonstrate how network slicing can enable faster payment transactions

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