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2018-03-08 16:48:00| Source:

Organized by GTI, supported by GSMA, GTI Summit 2018, with the theme of “5G+AI, Fuel the Innovation”, was successfully held on 27th Feb., 2018 in Barcelona, Spain during Mobile World Congress 2018. Delegates from governments, organizations, operators, verticalpartners attended this summit to discuss how 5GAI will enable the future innovations to create the intelligent world.


Summit Highlight:
• Insightthe profound shifts brought by Internet of Everything in 5G era
• The innovative applications enabled by 5G+AI in all walks of life
• Regulator’s views on how 5G as a strategic opportunity to affect the economysociety
• The latest progress of 5G developmentoperators’ 5G commercialization strategy
• Acknowledge significant contribution to the industryGTI achievements in 2017