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Who We Are

GTI was kicked off in February 2011 in Barcelona by China Mobile, SoftBank, Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Sprint (now T-Mobile US).


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Achievements (2011-2015)

- Build a robust TD-LTE end-to-end industry chain
- Accelerate global TD-LTE large-scale deployment
- Promote integrated development of LTE TDD and FDD


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Achievements (2016-2022)

Further promote LTE TDD/FDD global development
Establish 5G unified standard and end-to-end ecosystem
Build 5G cross-industry innovation and opportunity


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GTI 3.0

GTI 3.0 was launched in 2023 by China Mobile, SoftBank, T-Mobile US and over 20 industry partners to promote continued global cooperation toward greater commercial success.


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GTI 3.0 Three Objectives

- Promote intelligent, efficient, and green 5G-A tech and products
- Foster integration of DICT to support next-gen digital infra
- Enable 5G monetization and value creation


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GTI 3.0 Four Actions

-ACTION 1: Enhance Cross-organizational Cooperation to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with 3GPP, ITU, GSMA and other international standardized and industry organizations
-ACTION 2: Enhance Integration of Digital Technologies And Collaboration with Verticals, and promote technological innovation in 5G, 5G-A and 6G, integration of AI, cloud computing and other digital technologies, to drive forward the digital transformation of vertical industries
-ACTION 3: Promote Solutions And Commercial Practices For Services And Monetization, and provide cost-effective solutions, large-scale applications and innovative business models, to accelerate 5G monetization
-ACTION 4: Promote Innovative Solutions for Low-carbon and Sustainable Development, promote energy-saving technologies and products, and build green digital infrastructure, to enable sustainable development of mobile information industry


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Industry Support to GTI 2.0