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Join as Operators

GTI operators are entitled to:

· Attend GTI general activities

· Enhance own company’s visibility

· Participate in Members-only meetings

· Access to GTI collaborative portal and Members-only documents

· Submit input to the draft recommendations to Steering Committee through GTI Secretariat

· Work with GTI members on GTI Task Forces

· Publish news, product information and industry progress on GTI official website 

· Sponsor and attend series of GTI events and other GTI promotion activities

· Be eligible to participate in Exhibition and Demonstration organized by GTI

· Apply for GTI non-permanent SC member

· Members holding SC and AC seats in GTI shall have voting rights on GTI's organizational structure, development plans, etc.

Join procedure for GTI operators


1) The applicant submits the application form to Secretariat (

Click to download GTI Application form.

2) Secretariat reviews the application form. Once the applicant fulfills the participation criteria, Secretariat will send the applicant the following: GTI Letter of Intent (LOI), Renewal for LOI of GTI, GTI Operator Declaration Form.

Click to download GTI LOI, Renewal for LOI of GTI and GTI Operator Declaration Form.

3) The applicant signs the Accession Form for participationthe Global TD-LTE Initiative.

4) The applicant receives an official confirmation in writing from the Secretariat to become a part of GTI.