Mr. Zhengmao Li
Mr. Zhengmao Li
Executive Vice President, China Mobile
Mr. Zhengmao Li talked about the new developmentnew opportunity in ICT,shared the thoughts of China Mobile in the development from 4G to 5G.
- China Mobile has the world’s leading 4G network,from 4G to 5G China Mobile will insist the Big Connectivity Strategy to carry out relative work in three aspects--New Technology, New NetworkNew Ecosystem to embrace the upcoming era of Internet of Everything with global industrial partners together.
- China Mobile will continuously promote 4G technology evolution to improve network performancefocus on Massive MIMO, High Power UER&D on more advanced technologies to better fit user requirementsmeet multi- scenario demand.
- China Mobile will build the world’s leading mobile IoT service system. Based upon the “Device, Smart PipeCloud”, we have been focusing on promoting coordinated development of NB-IoTeMTC.
- Deep telecom-automotive cooperation, promote the development of C-V2Xfully support the innovative applications in the future IoV era with technical support.
- We started the 5G field trial in 2017,will start 5G pre-commercial network trial in 2018, large-scale commercial trial in 2019,strive to realize commercialization in 2020.
- Actively promote deep ICT convergencebuild future network, promote operator transformation development.
- We will make full use of the advantages in cloud computing, big dataintelligent technology to build the AI infrastructureincrease AI core capabilities.
- China Mobile has set up China Mobile 5G Innovation Center to promote cross-industry innovation. At present, we have 94 industry partnersset up 12 open labs of the open labs is based in Silicon Valley in the USA.