A New Journey of GTI: Joint Innovation towards 5G
With shifted focus to joint innovation towards 5G, the GTI Summit 2017 was held on 28th Feb. at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2017 in Barcelona, as a significant milestone for the GTI 2.0 that strives for further promoting 4G evolution5G development, to build everything connected world through cross-industry collaboration.
This summit attracted more than 500 executives globally from government, leading telecommunication organizations, operators, vendors, service providers, mediaconsulting companies.
Summit Highlight:
- This summit attracted executives globally to further publicize GTI 2.0 prospectwitness the significant shift of joint innovation towards 5G.
- Executives from leading enterprises of telecommunication industry shared their views on 4G evolution5G strategies.
- Executives of vertical industry shared the development prospects of emerging trendsnew opportunities enabled by 5G cross-industry innovation.
- GTI5GAA (5G Automotive Association) signed MoUjointly announced a statement to promote Cellular-V2X (C-V2X) industry development. (more information http://gtigroup.org/news/gti/2017-03-03/10196.html )
- Release of GTI deliverables, including Future Spectrum Guidance, High Power UEWhitepapers on key technologies, to promote 4G evolution towards 5G for laying solid foundation of cross-industry innovation.
- GTI Awards 2016 were presented to acknowledge significant contribution to the industryGTI achievements.