GTI 4G Wireless Broadband Industry White Paper_v1.0
Executive Summary / Introduction
1. Terminology
2. Assumptions and Scope
3. Industry Background / Regional Market Status
3.1. Value Proposition of Wireless Broadband (WBB)
3.1.1. Challenge of the Digital Divide
3.1.2. New Digital Divide
3.1.3. WBB Helps Bridge the Digital Divide
3.1.4. 4G WBB Definition and Evolution
3.2. Comparing FBB & MBB
3.3. Regional Market Status
4. Key Trends
4.1. WBB advantages compared with FBB
4.2. 4G WBB advantages compared with other WBB technology
4.3. 4G WBB enables fiber-like experience
4.4. 4G WBB Continuous Evolution
4.5. 4G WBB Key Features & Advantages
4.5.1. Higher Rate: Comparable to Optical Fibres
4.5.2. Improved Coverage . 16
4.5.3. Lower Costs: Reduced Time to Market
4.5.4. Flexible Deployment: Available in Both Urban and Rural Areas
4.5.5. Comprehensive Services: Same as Wired Networks
5. Market Potential (for TDD LTE)
5.1. Market Opportunity
6. Key Use Cases for TDD LTE 4G WBB
6.1. TDD LTE can be deployed in multiple ways
6.2. WBB Evolution
6.2.1. Four forces propelling of 4G WBB Adoption
6.2.2. WBB for home broadband development (use case)
7. Ecosystem Development and Opportunities
7.1. Network and Spectrum
7.1.1. WBB Ecosystem Opportunities
7.2. Terminals
8. Regulatory Impacts
8.1. WBB, an Important Ingredient of National Broadband Policy
9. Operator Use Cases / Success Stories / Lessons Learned
9.1. Case 1: Softbank
9.2. Case 2: Dialog in Sri Lanka
9.3. Case 3: Globe in Philippines
10. Resources/References
- GTI Massive MIMO White Paper_v0.1
- GTI Future Spectrum Initiative_V1.3