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GTI 5G Device OTA Performance White Paper-v1.0

2019-02-12 13:57:33| Source:

1. Executive Summary

2. Abbreviations

3. Introduction

4. Sub-6G Device Antenna

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Antenna Design philosophy and principle

5. mmWave Device antenna

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Design philosophy and principle

6. Evaluation for Sub-6G 5G Devices

6.1 Discussion on performance
6.1.1 Radiative OTA performance
6.1.2 MIMO OTA performance
6.1.3 MIMO antenna performance metrics
6.2 Available Test methods
6.2.1 Single-Probe Anechoic Chamber(SPAC)
6.2.2 Multi-Probe Anechoic Chamber(MPAC)
6.2.3 Radiated Two-Stage(RTS)
6.2.4 Reverberation Chamber(RC)
6.2.5 Reverberation Chamber + Channel Emulation(RC+CE)

7. Evaluation for mmWave 5G Device

7.1 Introduction
7.2 RF test methods
7.2.1 Direct Far Field(DFF)
7.2.2 Compact Antenna Test Range(CATR)
7.2.3 Conical Compact Range
7.2.4 Near Field to Far Field Transform(NFTF)
7.3 RRM test methods
7.3.1 Method1
7.3.2 Method2
7.4 Demodulation test methods
7.4.1 Method1
7.4.2 Method2
7.4.3 Method3

8 References 


GTI 5G Device OTA Performance White Paper-v1.0\"a58c4ba5d092a9cd1adfbbe0142d1743.jpg\"
