【NEW】GTI Orchestration Framework for Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) White Paper
Table of Contents
1. References
2. Abbreviations
3. Overview
3.1. Background
3.2. Challenges for building Orchestration framework for SASE
4. Requirements of SASE Orchestration Framework
5. Reference SASE Orchestration Framework
5.1. Overview of Reference Orchestration Framework for SASE
5.2. Components capabilities
5.2.1. Management Presentation Layer
5.2.2. Orchestration Support Layer Business Orchestration Module Security Function Management Module Network Function Management Module
5.2.3. Capability Layer Security Function Modules Network Function Modules
6. Procedures for SASE Orchestration Framework
6.1. Process for functional modules registration and operational status monitoring
6.2. Process for distributing network and Security Policies
6.3. Process for Policies Execution
6.3.1. Traffic-based security function module policies execution process
6.3.2. Non-traffic-based security function module policies execution process
6.3.3. Network function module policies execution process