GTI 5G MEC Security White Paper_v1.0
Preface 5
1 5G MEC Overview 6
1.1 Introduction 6
1.2 5G MEC Scenarios 7
1.2.1 WAN MEC Scenarios 7
1.2.2 LAN MEC Scenarios 8
2 5G MEC StandardsPolicies 10
2.1 5G MEC Standards 10
2.2 5G MEC Security Boundaries 12
3 5G MEC Security Threats 14
3.1 Threats to Network Service Security 15
3.2 Threats to Hardware Environment Security 15
3.3 Threats to Virtualization Security 16
3.4 Threats to MEP Security 16
3.5 Threats to Application Security 16
3.6 Threats to Capability Exposure Security 17
3.7 Threats to Management Security 18
3.8 Threats to Data Security 18
4 5G MEC Security Protection 19
4.1 5G MEC Security Protection Architecture 19
4.2 5G MEC Security Protection Requirements 21
4.2.1 Network Service Security 21
4.2.2 Hardware Environment Security 26
4.2.3 Virtualization Security 28
4.2.4 MEP Security 33
4.2.5 Application Security 36
4.2.6 Capability Exposure Security 37
4.2.7 Management Security 39
4.2.8 Data Security 44
5 Case Studies for 5G MEC Security 47
5.1 Smart Grid 47
5.1.1 Overview 47
5.1.2 Smart Grid Security 48
5.2 Smart Factory 55
5.2.1 Overview 55
5.2.2 Smart Factory Security 57
6 Outlook 62
Appendix I: AcronymsAbbreviations 64
Appendix II: References 64