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ANACOM Launches 1500MHz Band Consultation

2022-06-30 11:20:00| Source:CommsUpdate

Portugal’s National Communications Authority (Autoridade Nacional de Comunicacoes, ANACOM) has launched a public consultation on the availability of spectrum in the 1427MHz-1517MHz (‘1500MHz’) frequency band. The consultation aims to collect the position of the various market participants (manufacturers, operators, private and public entities, users and others) on the availability of said spectrum. The spectrum could potentially comeplay for terrestrial electronic communications services (servicos de comunicacoes eletronicas terrestres (SCET) in 2023-2024. Interested parties must send their contributions to the regulator by 26 July 2022.

TeleGeography notes that the so-called ‘L-band’ is currently used to support 4G technology in markets as disparate as San Marino and Japan, and has been used for 5G in Latvia. Further, 1500MHz frequencies have been earmarked for future use in many other major markets around the world.
