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Three Hungarian Operators Win 32GHz Spectrum Licences

2023-05-29 16:29:00| Source:Commsupdate

Hungary’s National Media & Infocommunications Authority (Nemzeti Media- es Hirkozlesi Hatosag, NMHH) has announced the results of the auction of spectrum licences in the 32GHz frequency band, with all three participating companies – Magyar Telekom, Vodafone Hungary and CETIN Hungary – winning 15-year concessions with total bids of HUF970 million (USD2.79 million). Bidding closed on 23 May, after initial offers were submitted on 13 March and second-round bidding opened on 25 April.

Of the 24 duplex lots (each 2×28MHz) of frequencies offered by the NMHH, 18 lots were awarded in contiguous blocks as follows: Vodafone won ten lots (2×280MHz, or total spectrum of 560MHz); Magyar Telekom successfully bid for six lots (2×168MHz, total 336MHz); and CETIN acquired two lots (2×56MHz, total 112MHz). Note that CETIN is the infrastructure-owning sister company of Yettel Hungary; TeleGeography’s GlobalComms Database shows that Yettel fights closely for second place with Vodafone in the Hungarian mobile network operator market in terms of subscriptions, behind clear leader Magyar Telekom.

The NMHH has underlined that the allocation of the currently-unused 32GHz spectrum contributes to the scheduled clearance of the 26GHz band – currently used for carrier network services – and the subsequent reallocation of 26GHz frequencies for 5G purposes. As reported by TeleGeography’s CommsUpdate, the 26GHz mmWave spectrum band has increasingly featured in the 5G licence auction strategies of countries worldwide.
