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Antel Launches 5G in Five Cities

2023-07-03 11:51:00| Source:Commsupdate

Uruguay’s state-owned telecoms operator has announced the commercial launch of 5G mobile services. Around 100 sites operating in the 3.5GHz band are currently live in the cities of Montevideo, Colonia, Canelones, Punta del Este and Maldonado, but in the next few days 5G coverage will be expanded to each of the remaining departmental capitals. Customers within coverage areas and with a 5G-compatible device will be able to trial the service for 30 days for free.

As previously reported by TeleGeography’s CommsUpdate, Antel was assigned 5G-suitable 3.5GHz spectrum by the Regulatory Unit of Communications Services (Unidad Reguladora de Servicios de Comunicaciones, URSEC) last month. The state-owned firm teamed up with Nokia in April 2019 to complete the installation of 5G networks in the La Barra resort in Maldonado Department and the city of Nueva Palmira in Colonia Department. The service, which was restricted to corporate customers only, was subsequently expanded to Santiago Vazquez and Paso de la Arena, both in Montevideo.
