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Kagan: Huawei Says 5.5G or 5G Advanced will Connect to Everything

2023-07-18 11:52:00| Source:Rcrwireless

5G wireless is evolving to the next level. The next step is 5G Advanced. Huawei calls their version 5.5G. In fact, the idea of 5G Advanced is spreading across the wireless industry to other competitors as well like Qualcomm, Ericsson, Nokia and more. Going forward, I see this continuing to grow as players will increasingly move in this direction, changing our world.

Some say 5G Advanced is what 5G should have been all along. I say it’s the next step in the evolution of the industry. Whichever way you look at this, wireless will never be the same. It will be faster and more immediate than ever before. And it will transform our world, step-by-step. 

Huawei is building on three use cases for their 5.5G and creating three new ones as well. These are Uplink Centric Broadband Communications or UCBC, Real-Time Broadband Communications or RTBC and Harmonized Communication and Sensing or HCS. 

The goal with six use cases along with the support of AI, is that their 5.5G will be able to intelligently connect to everything. That’s a big goal, but that is the direction of Huawei and in fact, the direction we are all heading in.

5G Advanced or 5.5G will empower IoT, AI, Chatbot and more

Think about all the new technologies which require always on, always connected networks, both wireless and wire line like IoT, AI, Chatbot and so much more.

Today, we are only in the very early stages of this worldwide transformation. Expect this to continue for decades to come. And expect everything to change going forward. 

This is a huge growth opportunity for every wireless company, if they are focused on the right areas. 

That being said, some companies are taking this next step more seriously than others. What I mean is some will develop advanced solutions further and faster than others. This has happened in the past and it will continue to happen going forward. 

Huawei is one of a few, major global leaders in the wireless industry. That’s why they will likely be one of the leaders in this 5.5G or 5G Advanced revolution. 

I believe we will ultimately look back at today as the next, important step in the evolution of the wireless industry. 

Huawei MWC Shanghai 2023 presentation how 5G will change our world

Let’s take a closer look at what 5.5G or 5G Advanced is, and what we should expect from it going forward. 

One key feature is the 10-gigabit speed, with hundreds of billions of connections along with native intelligence. This uses technology like AI and IoT. 

Recently, at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) Shanghai 2023, Cao Ming, President of Huawei Wireless Solution delivered a keynote speech saying 5G has already changed the way people live and work. 

How it has become an engine driving the digital economy. How 5G is the core technology that will empower the change we will see going forward in society around the globe.

He discussed rapid changes in the way 5G has connected people, connected homes, connected industries, connected machines and connected vehicles. 

5G Advanced or 5.5G could have 10 Gbps download speeds

He pointed to enhanced network capabilities like 10 Gbps downlink and 1 Gbps uplink with 100 billion IoT connections, and how this is creating a vast new 5.5G market for carriers. 

This is not only transformative for society, but it is also an enormous and long-term growth opportunity for leaders in the wireless industry.

These areas and more represent many different technological innovations which will change our world, both today and going forward.

You see, 5G is one step. 5.5G or 5G Advanced is the next step. Then comes 6G and beyond. The wireless world will continue to grow going forward.

We will connect people, things, vehicles, intelligent manufacturing, industries, governments and more.

In fact, this next generation of 5G wireless technology will usher in many new ideas, products and services. 

As an example, remember how several years ago, new wireless technology speeds allowed for innovation of the transportation space. This created new and advanced ride sharing services like Uber and Lyft which were then added to and transformed the taxi and limousine industry. 

5G Advanced or 5.5G will usher in explosion of new ideas and services

As wireless speeds get faster and more immediate, and as all other industries get their feet wet, we will see an explosion of new thinking, new products and new services.

This means we should expect every industry to change. It is already changing industries like healthcare, retail, automotive, manufacturing and more. Going forward it will continue to expand transforming the way we interact with the world around us.

That’s part of the larger reason why 5.5G or 5G Advanced is so exciting and so important. Not only for investors, but for individuals, companies, business and governments, worldwide. 

Huawei says if we remain on the current path, it sees 5.5G or 5G Advanced wireless connecting to everything in our lives. Competitors agree.

Today we are still at the very early stages of this next wireless revolution which will transform our world with new ideas, new thinking, new products and new services. 
