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Indotel Publishes Details of 700MHz, 2300MHz and 3600MHz Tender

2023-08-31 11:45:00| Source:Commsupdate

The Dominican Telecommunications Institute (Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones, Indotel) has published its plans for the licensing tender process for frequencies at 700MHz, 2300MHz and 3600MHz, via a webinar on 28 August.

Luis Scheker, Director of Regulation and Defense of Competition, outlined the key aspects of the proposed general terms and conditions for an international public tender with concessions and licences permitting public and carrier services at the national level operating radio spectrum at the frequencies of:

• 703MHz-748MHz paired with 758MHz-803MHz; a total of 90MHz made available in nine blocks of 2×5MHz (FDD)

• 2360MHz-2400MHz; a total of 40MHz in four blocks of 10MHz (TDD)

• 3600MHz-3700MHz; a total of 100MHz in ten blocks of 10MHz (TDD).

The duration of the licences will reportedly be ‘for the remaining time of the concession’, and whilst that may be unclear at this point it was pointed out that ‘in the case of starters [market entrants, it will be 20 years’. The successful bidders will assume obligations related to the licences and concessions, while Indotel has placed caps on the total spectrum that a company can obtain. It has set a 100MHz cap in the 3.3GHz-3.7GHz band, while according to Resolution of the Board of Directors No. 012-2023, the following spectrum caps also apply: 72MHz in the lower band (<1GHz); 264MHz in the medium band (1GHz-3GHz); and 160MHz in the upper band (3GHz-6GHz).
