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Moldcell, Moldtelecom, and Orange Granted 2100 MHz Spectrum Licenses in Moldova

2023-12-26 16:14:00| Source:Telecomtalk

The National Agency for Regulation in Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) of Moldova granted licenses for the use of the 2100 MHz frequency band to Moldovan mobile providers Orange Moldova, Moldtelecom, and Moldcell. According to the official release, the licenses, effective December 9, 2023, will enable providers to provide public networks and services for terrestrial mobile and fixed cellular communications.

Spectrum License Allocations

Moldcell: 1920-1940/2110-2130 MHz (20 MHz/20 MHz FDD)

Moldtelecom: 1960-1980/2150-2170 MHz (20 MHz/20 MHz FDD)

Orange Moldova: 1940-1960/2130-2150 MHz (20 MHz/20 MHz FDD)

Compliance and Regulation

Issued in accordance with the Radio Frequency Spectrum Management Program (2021-2025), providers must adhere to the minimum exposure values approved by the Government Decision.

License Duration and Fees

Valid for six years, expiring on November 6, 2029, service providers will pay license fees for the use of spectrum in the 2100 MHz frequency band, in two instalments - by March 31 and May 31, 2024, respectively, to the state budget. The fee, calculated in Moldovan lei, follows the official exchange rate.

According to the official release, the Government has set the license fee at 6.2 million euros for a 25-year period. Providers are required to comply with special license conditions, as approved by ANRCETI.
