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Singtel Claims First App-based Network Slicing Technology

2024-02-26 11:16:00| Source:Rcrwireless

Singtel said the new technology was implemented in partnerhsip with Ericsson and Samsung

Singaporean telco Singtel, together with Ericsson and Samsung, announced what it claims to be the world’s first live implementation of app-based network slicing.

The Asian carrier said that this technology will enable app owners to activate a customized slice of Singtel’s 5G network to boost the performance of their apps and enhance user experience.

Previous network slicing technologies were only able to provide a differentiated network experience to subscribers’ lines, but not selected apps, according to Singtel.

The implementation, using an advanced network slicing technology known as User Equipment Route Selection Policy (URSP) with Application Detection Control (ADC), was tested using Singtel’s CAST application during the live streaming of the recent Australian Open.

The technology enables the development of a host of use cases and is particularly beneficial to apps which require higher data performance, such as apps for workplace productivity, enterprise communications, gaming and media streaming, as well as artificial intelligence and augmented reality/extended reality, the telco added.

Samsung has already configured URSP for its Galaxy S24 Ultra and plans to extend the roll-out for its other devices. The Korean firm said it will continue collaborating with Singtel to optimize user equipment behavior for efficient network resource utilization.

Tay Yeow Lian, managing director of networks at Singtel Singapore, said: “Customer experiences are getting more immersive with 5G. With these tailored 5G network slices, we’re unlocking a new pathway for app owners to deliver enhanced user experiences. As data consumption and processing soar with the prevalence of 4K video and artificial intelligence, demands on our telco networks will rise, putting a strain on app performance. The sooner device manufacturers activate this, the sooner app owners can deliver more enriching experiences to their customers.”

“Multiple slices allow devices to have multiple profiles to secure different levels of experience, security, and privacy requirements, based on the needs of the different applications and in alignment with the user profile. With URSP features, consumers can customize their profile to enable better use of 5G RAN slicing with quality of service,” said Daniel Ode, head of Ericsson for Singapore, Brunei and Philippines.

At the recent 2024 New Year Eve’s countdown event in Singapore, Singtel used network slicing technology to give its subscribers a guaranteed minimum network speed, allowing them to share pictures, videos and posts from the event in a highly congested network environment.

In December 2023, Singtel announced that it has successfully completed what it claims to be the country’s first trial of 5G New Radio Reduced Capability (RedCap) technology.

The Asian telco said that the trial was conducted on its live 5G network in collaboration with Ericsson and MediaTek.

RedCap, sometimes referred to as NR Light, is a reduced set of 5G capabilities intended for devices like wearables and low-cost hotspots that have low battery consumption, lower costs and lower bandwidth requirements. Introduced with 3GPP Release 17, 5G RedCap is designed for devices currently served by LTE CAT-4 but provides equivalent or better in performance with up to 150 Mbps theoretical maximum downlink throughput. This technology helps reduce the complexity, cost and size of 5G devices.
