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CommScope on Open, Converged 5G Indoor Networks

2024-03-19 12:05:00| Source:Rcrwireless

CommScope is bringing Open RAN indoors with updates to flagship DAS and small cell product

Ahead of Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, CommScope announced support for third-party Open RAN Distributed Units (O-DUs) on its flagship all-digital ERA distributed antenna system (DAS) as well as its Open RAN-compliant ONECELL small cell. Additionally, CommScope announced it is supporting Open RAN on its in-building radios.

With the addition of native Open RAN interface support for ERA systems, CommScope is extending current support for third-party interoperability. This allows venues to adopt open 5G connectivity that is completely digital— for DAS, which gains signal source through connection to an operator’s public network, and for private network connectivity. In interviews with RCR Wireless News, company execs highlighted that ERA platform’s O-DU support enables new deployment models with zero-touch configuration as well as minimal in-venue MNO footprints that can reduce the environmental impact associated with traditional DAS deployments by nearly 90%.

For the ONECELL platform, CommScope is extending its current virtualized open fronthaul access to support third-party O-DUs, enabling MNOs to leverage both native small cell and new Open RAN integration options while accelerating multi-operator 5G adoption for enterprises.

CommScope also noted that the extension of Open RAN support to its software-defined radios—across both the ERA and ONECELL platforms— also converges and simplifies radio selection, making it easier for customers to adapt to evolving technologies while benefiting from high-quality cellular coverage.

For more from CommScope on this announcement, as well as larger market trends, check out the following interviews with : 

Kevin Swank, director of product marketing

Marco Salsiccia, senior director of business operations, EMEA/APAC 

Frank Bianco, senior sales director, ICN

“Indoor networks for 5G are either distributed antenna systems or they’re small cells,” Swank explained. “And what we’re doing is enabling Open RAN on both of those systems. And that allows us to connect directly to the mobile network operator with digital interfaces. We can provide the same flexibility and the same benefits that you get out of Open RAN in the macro in indoor environments,” he said. 

“So we are now going to be able to have digital interfaces, digital communications, digital 5G all the way from the MNOs radios systems all the way through to the very last radio in DAS and what that does is it gives us unprecedented performance for those in building systems, it gives us unprecedented visibilitythose systems and they actually gives us unprecedented sustainabilitythose systems,” Swank continued.

Bianco noted that clients have been asking for a solution that was easy to install, and didn’t require as much space or power. I think now they’re seeing the O-RAN interface that we now have, they’ve actually seen a solution moving forward in a way to actually bring 5G quicker and easier and cheapertheir in-building environments..”

Bianco said this solution can be deployed by industries such as power, steel, and mining. “We can use one product, we can just take an ERA and we can overlay that in any type of vertical we want. Historically we’ve been more MNO-focused but now we’re seeing that it’s opened up to the enterprise.”

Meanwhile, according to Salsiccia, senior director, there is a big acceleration in terms of Open RAN deployments, following a resistance over the past couple of years. 

The executive said that this O-RAN acceleration will enable the company to deploy indoor systems faster and more efficiently. He highlighted the transition from 5G Non-standalone to 5G Standalone networks, which will enable customers to fully exploit the capabilities of 5G technology as a larger catalyst for in-building deployments. 
