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6G on the Horizon: a Glimpsethe Future of Mobile Communication

2024-04-28 11:33:00|

As the curtain falls on 5G with the final standard Release 19 taking center stage, the tech world is already buzzing with curiosity about 6G's debut. Adding to the excitement, 3GPP has unveiled the 6G logo, set to make its first appearance at a seminar in Rotterdam on May 8th.

While satellite communication has its place, industry insiders are eyeing higher frequency bands as the next big trend. In the 5G era, the focus was on millimeter-wave(mmWave) bands above 24GHz. However, as we pivot to 6G, terahertz waves are expected to take the spotlight.

The adoption of millimeter waves has been slower than expected globally. Telecommunication giants and device manufacturers alike have been cautious, posing the question: How will we navigate the uncharted waters of terahertz frequencies?

The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has shed some light on potential 6G applications. These range from terahertz-related innovations to high-speed, low-latency networks crucial for remote synchronized surgeries in smart healthcare, enhanced Extended Reality (XR) experiences, and advancements in V2X.

Japanese telecom giants, including Fujitsu, NEC, NTT, and NTT Docomo, are not sitting on the sidelines. They have announced a joint effort to develop sub-THz 6G equipment. The transmission speeds they're aiming for? A staggering 20 times faster than the current 5G network's top speed of 4.9 Gbps.

Pang-An Ting, General Director of the Information and Communication Research Laboratories at ITRI, highlights the industry's struggle to strike a balance between cost and performance in mmWave development. Operators are wary; without a clear path to profitability, there's limited incentive for large-scale infrastructure investment.

Moreover, as frequencies climb towards 290GHz, even the once-promising 28GHz band appears less viable than anticipated. The increased frequency limits the effective range and presents challenges in identifying clear service scenarios.

Despite these challenges, the 6G timeline is taking shape. In early 2024, leading standard organizations within 3GPP, such as ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, and ETSI, have committed to kickstarting 6G specification planning. Commercial 6G is projected to roll out around 2030, with 3GPP expected to release relevant development and service standards by 2028.

The journey towards 6G is filled with challenges, yet opportunities abound. While high-frequency application development lags behind expectations, the lessons learned from 5G and mmWave development will undoubtedly inform the path forward for terahertz technologies.

As we stand at the crossroads of technological innovation, the successful evolution of 6G hinges not only on technological advancements but also on compelling applications and sustainable business models. The next decade promises to be transformative, reshaping how people connect and communicate in ways we've yet to imagine.
