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O2 Telefonica and Nokia Deploy 5G SA on AWS Cloud

2024-05-09 12:14:00| Source:Rcrwireless

Nokia, which supplies the 5G core for the O2 Telefonica 5G SA network, claimed that this development is a first of its kind

Amazon Web Services (AWS) will host O2 Telefónica’s Standalone (SA) 5G core network software on its public cloud infrastructure in Germany. Nokia, which supplies the carrier’s 5G core, claimed that this development is a first of its kind.

“This deployment, the first major one of its kind for an existing communication service provider, enables greater network agility and service offerings, and provides Telefónica Germany with all the tools it needs to efficiently manage and extract greater value from its network assets,” commented Raghav Sahgal, oresident of cloud and network services at Nokia in a press statement. “The deployment underscores Nokia’s multi-cloud ability to migrate communication service providers to the public cloud, making it practical for them to deploy applications and services on the infrastructure of their choice; and, with more flexible scaling, reliability, and near zero-touch automation.”

According to Nokia, the 5G SA deployment in Germany will enable O2 Telefonica to deliver ultra-low latency for advanced 5G services requiring instant availability and high bandwidth for advanced services like extended reality and network slicing.  

“We are building our network of the future,” said O2 Telefónica’s Chief Technology & Information Officer Mallik Rao. “With the launch of the new, cloud-based 5G core network, we are doing pioneering work in Europe and we are taking a major step in our transformation process. With the new 5G cloud core, we are moving away from traditional architectures and instead focusing on modern, high-performance, and efficient network technologies.”

AWS currently works with several other European telco giants including Telenor and BT, and in the U.S., it hosts Dish Network’s 5G core.
