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The Signal ‘sweet spot’ — SureCall Releases Verizon-approved 5G C-Band Signal Booster

2024-05-30 11:00:00| Source:Rcrwireless

SureCall recently announced its latest signal booster for enterprise buildings, and while there’s a lot to highlight about the SpeedLink 5G, the company’s Founder and CEO Hongtao Zhan told RCR Wireless News that one of the key details is that it is the only C-Band booster approved by Verizon for use on their 5G UWB (Ultra Wideband) network, and further, it is FCC-certified for immediate deployment.

To understand why the booster is such an industry milestone, it’s first necessary to understand the importance of C-Band spectrum. Often considered, the “goldilocks” of spectrum, this mid-band 5G frequency band has high capacity and low latency, enabling more high-speed data to be transmitted with more simultaneous user connections in a given area.

“It’s the sweet spot of 5G bands because you get speeds, but you also get distance,” said Zhan. As such, C-Band is ideal for streaming live video, downloading content and video conferencing. It also delivers the capacity and 5G data speeds necessary to handle advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and augmented reality, which are increasingly present on today’s smartphones.

A C-Band booster like SureCall’s SpeedLink, therefore, is a key component of a successful and reliable C-Band network. The latest booster supports ‘narrowband’ 3.7 to 3.84 GHz and ‘wideband’ 3.7 to 3.98 GHz of the available C-Band frequency spectrum. “It fills coverage gaps, increases network capacity, delivers data speeds up to 1 gigabit without fiber,” Zhan summarized, adding that it is also MIMO-compatible, which delivers additional flexibility and significantly higher data rates.

As part of its role as an authorized Verizon 5G solutions provider, SureCall in 2021 provided the carrier with mmWave signal boosters to increase its 5G Ultra Wideband coverage. Zhan explained that when it comes to the new C-Band solution, the pair “worked closely to ensure that all of their tech specs were met to optimize performance.” He added that this partnership made particular sense given the fact that Verizon has the “biggest chunk” of C-Band spectrum and a nationwide network covering more than 200 million people. SureCall is now the only signal booster vendor supplying Verizon across all spectrum scenarios, be it 4G or 5G, in-building or outdoor, consumer or enterprise, C Band or mmWave.

Zhan also shared, however, that while the booster’s base system is Verizon-compatible, it is also a flexible solution and can be used with other carriers thanks to an upgrade configuration.

SpeedLink 5G is available for immediate deployment from a group of SureCall’s distribution partners including Tessco and Graybar.
