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ZTE Presents Profound Insights in Digital Transformation at ETSI's Cloud-Native and AI Conference

2024-06-07 15:32:00| Source:ZTE

ZTE Corporation (0763.HK / 000063.SZ), a global leading provider of integrated information and communication technology solutions, is advancing its vision for telecom network cloud-native architecture and AI standardization. Yang Lin, Chief Planning Engineer of Computing Power and Core Network Product at ZTE, delivered a keynote address titled "Cloud-Native and Intelligent Evolution Enables the Digital Transformation of Operators" at the "Telecom Cloud-Native and AI" seminar, hosted at ETSI NFV #46 in this historic and picturesque city.

Yang Lin emphasized that current technologies and practices related to cloud-native have become the primary focus of operator network construction and operation. However, the absence of standardization has led to varying deployment choices among operators and equipment vendors in the industry. This diversity not only delays standardization efforts but also squanders valuable resources. To accelerate the standardization and commercialization of cloud-native and AI in NFV, Yang Lin proposes four key suggestions.

The first is the scenario of deploying bare metal containers (BM CaaS). Yang Lin stressed that bare metal containers have been defined as the target architecture by all operators for their fundamental advantages in resource efficiency and agility over other deployment architectures. The bare-metal containers can not only greatly accelerate the containerization standardization process, but also help operators avoid unnecessary migration costs in the future.

The second is the carrier-class component service for CNF front-end processing. Yang Lin said that although CNCF open-source ecosystem components are already abundant, there is still a gap between the latency, performance, resource occupation, and protocol support capabilities for the current requirements of the telecom public network in latency, performance, resource occupation and protocol support, according to the best practices of some projects such as service mesh. Keeping the front-end services associated with the service processing flow in the CNF not only ensures that carrier-class requirements can be met, but also significantly reduces the complexity of platform integration and fault location.

The third is the coordination with other standard organizations to implement unified and automatic configuration. The automation of configuration management has become the key to automate network provisioning, including automatic provisioning of slicing as a service and fast network rebuilding in GitOps mode. The current EMS-based architecture manages hundreds of parameter configurations, and vendors are facing the evolution of the service-based architecture defined by 3GPP and open source implementation solutions. A unified automatic configuration architecture for standard organizations and open source projects will facilitate the development of configuration automation and intelligence.   

The fourth is the systematic intent-driven and AI enhancement in NFV need. Yang Lin pointed out that the requirements for network intelligence are ubiquitous, from edge to center, from cloud platform to network applications, and from access network to core network. Different vendors, different applications, and different scenarios have different data, knowledge, and behaviors. Therefore, in the direction of AI enhancement, the differences of concerns in different domains and the integration of AI/intelligent architectures in different domains need to be considered.

According to Yang Lin, ZTE has been collaborating with global partners to accelerate the cloud-native and intelligent evolution of telecom networks, assisting operators in transforming and building digital infrastructure networks. The company aims to satisfy the requirements of the future intelligent society.
