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Telefonica wins LTE spectrum in Slovakia for EUR 40 mln

2014-01-07 12:37:56| Source:

Telefonica announced that it has won spectrum in the 800 and 1,800 MHz bands in Slovakia for a total price of EUR 40.3 million. While the Slovak regulator has yet to comment on the outcome of the recent auction, press reports in Slovakia said the auction finished at the end of 2013, and four operators are thought to have won frequencies.

Telefonica said in a statement that it won two blocks in the 800 MHz band, good for a total 10 MHz, and one block of 0.6 MHz in the 1,800 MHz band. The price paid offers "reasonable prospects" for the market, supporting the development of a nationwide LTE network, the company said. Telefonica already started testing LTE in select areas in 2012.

The other two mobile operators in Slovakia, Orange and T-Mobile, have yet to comment on the auction results, while Swan Telecom is reportedly the fourth operator to win spectrum in the auction.
