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SWAN paid EUR6.6m for LTE license

2014-01-13 14:26:25| Source:

Following the earlier announcement that four operators had won new 4G mobile frequency licenses in Slovakia, including the three incumbents and new entrant SWAN, the country’s Office for Electronic Communications & Postal Services has posted additional details of the auction, including the prices paid by each company. SWAN paid EUR6.6 million (USD8.97 million) and Orange paid EUR56.14 million for their respective frequencies, while as previously reported by CommsUpdate, Slovak Telekom paid EUR60.85 million and Telefonica Slovakia (O2) paid EUR40.3 million.

SWAN announced that it will be using its 2×15MHz in the 1800MHz band to build a high speed LTE network by the second half of this year – before a stipulated deadline of 8 July 2014 – with a focus on large cities. To achieve full coverage SWAN says it will use its right to national roaming, which is included in the license conditions.

The regulator confirmed that the 4G licenses have the following initial validity: 800MHz and 2600MHz bands to 12 December 2028; and the 1800MHz band to 9 July 2026.
