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NetCom expanding 4G coverage to 65% by April

2014-03-13 15:13:13| Source:

The Norwegian mobile network operator NetCom, a subsidiary of TeliaSonera, has plans to extend its 4G coverage to 65 percent of the population in Norway by the end of April, TeleGeography reports, noting that it offers LTE-based services in 116 municipal areas at present and plans to increase this number to 166 using the 800-MHz spectrum. According to the plan, new base stations will initially be deployed in in Hovden, Golsfjellet, Geilo and Skeikampen.

NetCom becamse a winner in the multi-band spectrum auction of the Norwegian Post & Telecoms Authority, in December 2013, and afterwards was awarded 2×10 MHz in the 800-MHz and 2×5 MHz in the 900-MHz band, and 2×10 MHz in the 1,800-MHz band. The 800-MHz spectrum comes with a coverage obligation, where all operators, including NetCom, have a usage obligation to provide mobile broadband services with average access speeds of at least 2 Mbps to 40 percent of the population within four years of licensing.
