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KT, LG Uplus launch unlimited LTE plans

2014-04-03 15:36:30| Source:

South Korean mobile operators LG Uplus and KT have launched unlimited LTE packages, reported on Thursday.

LG Uplus offers a 80,000 won and 85,000 won ($80.36) per month plan with unlimited voice calls, messaging and LTE data. The 80,000 won plan also comes with cloud service U+Box and the U+Navi navigation system, while the 85,000 won also provides U+HDTV, U+Professional Baseball and Ticket Planet services, JoongAng Daily writes.

When subscribers exceed data usage of 2 GB per day, the speed will be throttled to 3 Mbps. KT will offer an unlimited LTE, voice calls and messaging plan for 70,000 won per month from April 7. Rival SK Telecom also announced unlimited data for its existing LTE plans.
