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Tesco Lotus to launch MVNO on CAT network

2014-09-24 10:35:23| Source:

Retailer Tesco Lotus is preparing to launch a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) service over the 3G 850MHz cellular infrastructure of state-owned CAT Telecom early next year, reported on Sept 23, 2014. The launch is being coordinated with Tesco Lotus’ introduction of a new mobile e-commerce platform expected by the end of this year, according to the supermarket chain. The report also notes that CAT – which has an existing MVNO agreement with 365 Communications – is currently in talks with Central Department Store and one other unnamed firm about further MVNO partnerships. TeleGeography notes that CAT offers its own retail 3G service over the 850MHz network using the “My” brand, while True Corp operates True Move H-branded 850MHz 3G services (augmenting the brand’s 2,100MHz 3G/4G services) in partnership with CAT via an agreement under which True (via Real Move, a subsidiary of Real Future) technically acts as a commercial reseller of CAT’s 850MHz capacity.
