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2013 GTI Latin America Seminar

Report in Collaboration with the GSMA Highlights Best Practice from National 5G Plans

2013-10-21 18:30:00| Source:

Date, Venue, Hosts

Oct 21, 2013, Monday

Hosted by: GTI

Seminar Preview

The GTI Latin America Seminar aims to create an open platform for global pioneers in TD-LTE industry to exchange their insightsperspectives of this emerging technologyits commercial deployment.

Taking the first stepLatin America, this seminar will cover vital topics of TD-LTE industry, such as its latest progress, commercial deployment, 3.5GHz eco-system,migration from WiMAX to TD-LTE. GTI will also share its industry-leading strategies for TD-LTE globalization, establishingadvocating cooperation between operators in Latin Americathe whole industry.


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