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GTI Asia Conference 2014

Report in Collaboration with the GSMA Highlights Best Practice from National 5G Plans

2014-06-11 11:03:00| Source:

GTI Asia Conference, hosted by Global TD-LTE InitiativeChina Mobile, supported by GSMAITU will take place in the afternoon of 11th June, 2014 during Mobile Asia Expo 2014 in Shanghai, China.

With the fast proliferation of commercial LTE networks in the world, operatorsindustry players are keen to bring customers a broadband connected livingcreate new business value. This GTI Asia conference, hosted by China MobileGTI, will bring together top leaders of leading operatorsindustry partners to address opportunitieschallenges of the devicesinnovative applications in 4G era. The strategy visions across ecosystem will shape the future of the industry at the critical juncture of large-scale commercialization of LTE.








GTI Welcome Note

Moderator: Mr. Craig Ehrlich

Chairman of Steering Committee, GTI


4G Innovation – A New Engine of Economic Growth

Mr. Liu Lihua

Vice Minister, MIIT of China


Visions of Development of Mobile Internet in 4G Era

Mr. Jon Fredrik Baksaas

PresidentCEO, Telenor Group

Chairman, GSMA


China Mobile‘s VisionStrategy of 4G Development

Mr. Li Yue

PresidentCEO, China Mobile


VisionsRecommendations on 4G Development

Mr. Sameer Sharma

Regional Director a.i. , Regional Office for Asiathe Pacific, ITU


 WiMAX/XGP Migration to TD-LTE

Mr. Ted Matsumoto

CEO, Japan Link Corp


Release of White Paper on China Mobile’s Quality ManagementTests of LTE Terminals

Mr. Tang Jianfeng

Deputy General Manager, China Mobile Group Device Co.,Ltd.


VisionStrategy of Audi’s mAuto service in 4G Era

Mr. Intakhab Khan

Division Head C/GE-E1, Audi ITC China


4G Device Solution for MMMB, VoLTERCS

Mr. Yu Chengdong

Chairman, Huawei Device Co., Ltd.


4G Device Solution for MMMB, VoLTERCS

Mr. Ling Hao

Senior Vice President, Head of Global Development, Sony


Panel: Device Development for MMMB, VoLTE, RCS, LTE-ALow Cost Solution

Mr. Yu Chengdong

Chairman, Huawei Device Co., Ltd.

Mr. Ling Hao

Senior Vice President, Head of Global Development, Sony

Mr. Li Bin

Global Brand President, Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific

Mr. Adam Zeng

EVPCEO of Terminal Business Division, ZTE

16:00-16:30 Panel: Chipset Development for MMMB, VoLTE, RCS, LTE-ALow Cost Solution

Mr. Qian Guoliang

President, Leadcore Technology

Mr. Ivan Lee

Global Vice President, Marvell

Mr. Aaron Chang

General Manager, MediaTek China

Mr. Yan Chenwei

Vice President, Qualcomm

Mr. Kang Yi

Vice President, Spreadtrum Communications

Registration Process:

GTI Asia Conference is part of GSMA Conference at Mobile Asia Expo 2014,is only open to MAE Gold Pass holders. As a partner of MAE, GTI will provide conference attendees with free MAE Gold Pass. Your application will be responded within two weeks.

Step 1:

Please visit GTI Website to indicate your interest in GTI Asia Conference. Email address is the only information to identify the applicants.

Step 2:

GTI Secretariat will review the applicationsGSMA will send invitation to approved registers. You will get your pass after completing the registration in GSMA system. This approval will depend on information you fill in step 1.

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