GTI Summit 2015 Shanghai
Report in Collaboration with the GSMA Highlights Best Practice from National 5G Plans

GTI Summit 2015 Shanghai, hosted by Global TD-LTE InitiativeChina Mobile, supported by GSMA, will take place on the afternoon of July 15, 2015 during World Mobile Congress Shanghai, China.
With the fast proliferation of commercial LTE networks in the world, operators must stay on top of how to deploy these innovations to roll out new businessesservices to meet new customer demand. This summit is focused on accelerating TD-LTE deploymentglobal cooperation, promoting the convergence of LTE TDDFDD4G-based innovative services, discovering potential opportunities that inspire the industry, shapingdefining the Digital Future at 5G.
Date: 15th July, 2015, at Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2015
Time: 14:30-17:30
Venue: Grand Shanghai Ballroom 3, Kerry Hotel Pudong, Shanghai
Audience: More than 500 executive-level delegates from operators, vendors, service providers, mediaconsulting companies
Step 1:
Please CLICK HERE to indicate your interest in GTI Summit 2015 Shanghai. Email address is the only information to identify the applicants. If you have already got a Gold/Silver Pass, please fill your registration ID, we will add you to our attendance list.
Step 2:
GTI Secretariat will review the applicationsGSMA will send invitation to approved registers. You will get your pass after completing the registration in MWC Shanghai registration system. This approval will depend on information you fill in Step 1.
Step 3:
Collect your pass according to GSMA confirmation email including open timelocation. Please bring your Gold/Silver Pass to attend GTI Summit 2015 Shanghai on site.