GTI Asia Conference 2012
Report in Collaboration with the GSMA Highlights Best Practice from National 5G Plans

June 20, 2012, GTI allinace with China Mobile hosted 2012 GTI Asia Conference. GTI Asia Conference is part of Forum Series at Mobile Asia Expo 2012. Over 300 delegates from China Government, Global Operators, Global Industry Partners, MediaConsulting Agencies attended the conference. Jointly discussing TD-LTE development progresskey issues.
This is the first GTI global conference held in China mainland. By the end of May 2012, 9 commercial TD-LTE networks have been launched globally, 10 TD-LTE commercial contracts have been publicly announced, over 16 operators have announced TD-LTE commercial deployment plan, 39 TD-LTE trial networks have been constructed. In 2012, GTI established GTI Partner Foruminitiated LTE Global Roaming Service research. The next target is to speed up global market scale.
The Vision session was hosted by Mr. Craig Ehrlich, Chairman of GTI Steering Committee.
Chief Executives from China Ministry of IndustryInformation Technology, China National DevelopmentReform Commission, GSMA, China Mobile, Bharti AirtelSoftbank Mobile delivered speeches, commented on global TD-LTE development trendprovided the forecast to TD-LTE global commercialization.
The Strategy session was hosted by Mr. Craig Ehrlich, Chairman of GTI Steering Committee.
Senior Executives from Bharti Airtel, China Academy of Telecommunication Research of MIIT, China Mobile,TD Industry Alliance delivered speeches, introduced the latest TD-LTE trial/commercial status.
The Strategy session was hosted by Mr. Reinhard Kreft, Head of Standardis, Industry Engagement, IPR & Academia, Vodafone.
Senior Executives from UK Broadband, Clearwire, Optus,Antares got on stagediscussed TD-LTE global demandsdeployments under 2.6GHz, 1.9GHz, 2.5GHz3.5GHz TDD spectrum.
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