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The GTI Summit 2025, with the theme of “5G-A×AI”, will take place on March 4 at MWC Barcelona 2025. It will bring together insightful leaders, innovators and creators from operators, vendors and verticals to network, share inspiring views, explore more on how 5G-A×AI shaping future connectivity, unlock more potential opportunities for greater value-creation, as well as elevate cooperation and beyond.
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Time: 09:30-15:30, March 4, 2025 (Local Time, UTC+1)
Venue: Fira Gran Via, Theatre 4 in Hall 8, Barcelona, Spain
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5G Wideband Signal Generation & Signal Analysis

Device:Test Instrument

Vendor: Rohde & Schwarz


One of the technology components discussed in 5G to address high capacity and high user data requirements is the adoption of significantly higher bandwidth modes. Obviously this will only be possible at significantly higher carrier frequencies compared with today’s cellular network implementations below 6 GHz. Since concrete system specifications are not yet available, the bandwidth requirements discussed range from 500 MHz to 2 GHz. Various research projects are already evaluating potential spectrum above 6 GHz, however concrete spectrum agreements by the ITU are not foreseen anytime soon. For the cellular industry, spectrum above 6 GHz is a new area and there is a need to understand the new ideas and concepts under discussion. Consequently, researchers require flexible test and measurement solutions to generate and analyze wideband signals with carrier frequencies ranging from 6 GHz to more than 60 GHz.


Features & Benefits:

5G test solutions for signal analysis
Test and measurement solutions from Rohde & Schwarz are ideal for the demanding research projects involved with 5G:

• The R&S®FSW signal and spectrum analyzer provides unmatched measurement capabilities up to 85 GHz without the need for external downconversion components.
• Above 85 GHz, a family of harmonic mixers (R&S®Z90 / R&S®Z110) is available to reach absolute frequencies as high as 110 GHz.
• The R&S®FSW features built-in demodulation up to 500 MHz bandwidth, which can be extended to enable 2 GHz signal analysis with an external Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscope.
• Additional software options complement the flexible solution. The R&S®FSW-K70 option flexibly analyzes digitally modulated single carriers down to the bit level, the R&S®FS-K96 OFDM analysis software enables modulation measurements on general OFDM signals and the R&S®FS-K196 option provides analysis capabilities for the 5G air interface candidates, including GFDM, UFMC and f-OFDM.

5G test solutions for signal generation
With the R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator, Rohde & Schwarz provides leading-edge baseband capabilities that are ideal for demanding wideband signal simulations:

• The R&S®SMW200A is the first vector signal generator to offer an internal modulation bandwidth of 2 GHz with a frequency range of up to 40 GHz that enables R&D engineers to generate signals with extreme wide bandwidth up to microwave frequencies.
• Equipped with R&S®SMW-K114 5G air interface candidates option, the R&S®SMW200A can be used to create potential 5G candidate waveforms such as FBMC, UFMC, GFDM or f-OFDM, allowing the user to understand and analyze design challenges.
• The internal ARB functionality supports playback of e.g. Matlab waveforms with a bandwidth of up to 2 GHz.
• The R&S®SMW200A configured as a two-path instrument offers 20 GHz maximum frequency at each RF output. This configuration is ideal for providing and controlling both LO and IF to an external upconverter with a single instrument. Signal generation for frequencies higher than 40 GHz can easily be realized.
• Typical test scenarios such as coexistence tests with LTE or wide bandwidth 5G signal generation in the microwave range are now possible with one single unit.