3rd GTI Workshop
Report in Collaboration with the GSMA Highlights Best Practice from National 5G Plans

3rd GTI Workshop was Held In Barcelona
During Feb 23-24, 2012, the 3rd GTI Workshop was held in Barcelona. Over 70 delegates from 38 companies (of which 24 global operators) attended. The in-depth discussions were conducted around 8 GTI Task Forces. The summary of 2011 Task Force was presented with the research progress, achievementsthe future work direction; GTI also invited industry partners to give keynote speeches on technical solutions.
GTI 2012 Work Plan Got Final Approval
GTI Secretariat proposed GTI 2012 Work Planreported the latest progress to GTI operators, including:
* Task Force & GTI industry promotion arrangement;
* Establishment of GTI Partner Forum, Additional Seat for Steering Committee, GTI LOI Extensionother organizational issues.
GTI Further Improved Its Technical Infrastructure
By reviewing 2011 works, GTI re-organized its infrastructure:
* Established terminal, networkbusiness model working groups;
* 2 original Task Forces completed researchesconducted summary reports;
* 3 brand new Task Forces were approved to establish.