The 17th GTI Workshop
Report in Collaboration with the GSMA Highlights Best Practice from National 5G Plans

The 17th GTI Workshop took place during Nov. 28-29, 2016 in Osaka, Japan, gathering more than 100 industrial leadersexperts from over 20 operators30 industrial partnersorganizations to share the latest progressdiscuss key issues as 4G evolves towards 5G, such as Massive MIMOUplink Enhancement,innovative applications on cloud robotInternet of Things.
Unlike previous ones, this workshop placed a strong focus on 5G including requirementsstrategies on service development, standardization, networking, devicecommercialization,industrial opinions on feasibilitycomplexity of implementation options.
In addition, GTI Secretariat proposed new scheme of technical work for GTI 2.0, underlining principles of goal-orientedconcrete deliverables, triggering more active involvement of operatorsindustrial partners.
Click below for presentation slides of this workshop: