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NGMN-GTI Definition of the Testing Framework for 5G Device Network Slicing Pre-commerical Trials_v1.0

2022-03-03 11:45:00| Source:China Mobile


1 Introduction 6

2 Scope 6

3 Trial Setup Requirements 7

3.1 Network Architecture and Configuration 7

3.2 Test Tool Requirements 9

3.3 Test Report Requirements 9

4 Common Requirements for Network Slicing Trial 10

4.1 The Configuration and Usage of NSSAI 10

4.1.1 NSSAI Handling in Initial Registration 10

4.1.2 NSSAI Handling during Mobility Registration Update 12

4.1.3 Default Configured NSSAI Pre-configuration and Update 14

4.1.4 Generic UE Configuration Update for NSSAI 16

4.1.5 NSSAI Inclusion Mode A 17

4.1.6 NSSAI Inclusion Mode B 22

4.1.7 NSSAI Inclusion Mode C 26

4.1.8 NSSAI Inclusion Mode D 30

4.2 UE Route Selection Policy 35

4.2.1 URSP Configuration in Initial Registration 35

4.2.2 and of URSP 37

4.2.3 Traffic Descriptors in URSP --- APPID 40

4.2.4 Traffic Descriptors in URSP --- DNN 42

4.2.5 Traffic Descriptors in URSP --- IP 45

4.2.6 Traffic Descriptors in URSP --- IP 3 Tuple 47

4.2.7 Traffic Descriptors in URSP --- FQDN 49

4.2.8 Traffic Descriptors in URSP --- OSID+OSAPPID 51

4.2.9 Traffic Descriptors in URSP --- Match-all 54

4.2.10 Multi-dimensional Matching in URSP 55

4.3 Interworking with EPC 67

4.3.1 Handover from 5GC to EPC 67

4.3.2 Redirection from EPC to 5GC 70

4.3.3 Handover from EPC to 5GC 72

4.3.4 Handover from 5GC to EPC, then Redirection back to 5GC 73

4.3.5 Handover from 5GC to EPC, then Handover back to 5GC 77

5 Service Specific Requirements for Network Slicing Trial 78

5.1 FTP/Speedtest Download Service 78

5.1.1 Test Objective 78

5.1.2 Pre-configuration 78

5.1.3 Test Procedure 78

5.1.4 Success Criteria 79

5.2 Video Service 79

5.2.1 Test Objective 79

5.2.2 Pre-configuration 79

5.2.3 Test Procedure 80

5.2.4 Success Criteria 80

5.3 Cloud Gaming Service 81

5.3.1 Test Objective 81

5.3.2 Pre-configuration 81

5.3.3 Test Procedure 82

5.3.4 Success Criteria 82

List of Abbreviations 83

References 84
