GTI Advanced Sensing Technology White Paper
Table of Contents
1. References
2 . Abbreviations
3. Overview
3.1. Trends of advanced sensing technology
3.2. Cutting-edge sensing technology
3.3. Sensor fusion technology
4. Cutting-edge sensing technology
4.1. New mechanism
4.1.1. Quantum sensing
4.1.2. EEG sensing
4.2. New materials
4.2.1. Flexible sensing
4.2.2. Tactile sensing
4.3. New process
4.3.1. On-chip optical sensing
4.3.2. Microfluidic biosensing
4.4. New structure
4.4.1. Bionic visual sensing
4.4.2. Stacked image sensing
4.5. New Algorithm
4.5.1. Optical fiber sensing
4.5.2. Hypersensitive odor sensing
5. Sensing fusion technology
5.1. Communication integration
5.2. Computing fusion
5.3. Intelligent integration
5.4. Energy fusion