GTI 5G-AxAI New Technology, New Case, New Model White Paper
1. Executive Summary
2. 5G-AxAI: New Capabilities meet New Need, unleash New Value
2.1. 5G-A Commercial progress
2.2. New AI Capabilities
2.3. Opportunities for the Cross-domain Convergence
2.4. Multiplier Effect of 5G-A and AI
3. 5G-AxAI Breeds New Technologies
3.1. Network intelligence
3.2. Digtal Twin Network Intelligence
3.3. Application Intelligence
3.4. Sustainability Intelligence
4. 5G-AxAI Enables New Cases
4.1. Differentiated Experience Assurance
4.2. New Calling Service
4.3. Industrial Deterministic Service
4.4. Green Energy Saving
4.5. High-Reliability Network
4.6. Multi-Modal Personal Assistant
4.7. Embodied Artificial Intelligence
4.8. Immersive Experience
4.9. Networked Smart Driving
4.10. Low-Altitude Intelligent Connectivity
5. Industry Revolution of New Models
5.1. Three Innovative Business Models for ToC/BtoC
5.2. Three Innovative Business Models for ToB
6. Global Industry Collaboration Proposal
7. Glossary