GTI 5G mmWave Spectrum White Paper
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives of this white paper
1.3 Terminology
2 High Frequency Bands Requirements for 5G and Characteristics and Challenges of High Frequency
2.1 High Frequency Bands Requirements for 5G
2.2 Characteristics of High Frequency Bands
2.3 Challenges of High Frequency Bands
3 Global High Frequency Spectrum Development Updates
3.1 ITU Progress
3.2 3GPP Progress
3.3 U.S. Progress
3.4 China progress
3.5 EU progress
3.6 Japan progress
3.7 Korea progress
4 Standardization and Product Availability
4.1 Standardization Requirement
4.2 Product Availability Analysis
4.2.1 Chipset and Device availability
4.2.2 BS equipment availability
5 Coexistence solutions
5.1 ITU Sharing Study Progress and Summary of the Conclusions
5.2 CEPT Sharing Study Progress
5.3 China Sharing Study Progress
6 Key consideration for the protection requirement to existing satellite systems
6.1 Protection Requirement of adjacent EESS(passive) band in the 24.25-27.5 GHz band
6.2 Protection Requirement of FSS (Earth-to-space)/ISS in the band 24.25-27.5GHz and 42.5-43.5GHz
6.3 Unwanted emission level in 40GHz
7 Above-6GHz bands development progress
7.1 26GHz
7.2 28GHz
7.3 37-42GHz
7.4 Other Candidate Bands in ITU-R list
8 High Interested Operator deployed 5G-NR high frequency bands
8.1 26GHz
8.2 28GHz
8.3 37-42GHz
9 GTI Operator Plans of 5G trial and schedule
10 WRC-19 AI 1.13 View
11 Recommendations
12 Reference
GTI 5G mmWave Spectrum White Paper