【NEW】GTI 5G New Calling Open Ecosystem White Paper
Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary 7
2 Overview of 5G New Calling Open Ecosystem 7
3 Value Chain of 5G New Calling Open Ecosystem 10
3.1 Overview 10
3.2 Mobile network operator 12
3.3 Capability provider 13
3.4 Vertical industry and enterprise 13
3.5 Terminal vendor 14
3.6 Content provider 14
3.7 Application developer 15
4 5G New Calling Open Ecosystem Technical Framework 15
4.1 Overview 15
4.2 Mobile network operator network 17
4.3 5G New Calling Open platform 20
4.4 5G New Calling application 21
5 Cases of 5G New Calling Open Ecosystem Collaboration For Developing Application 22
5.1 Smart translation 23
5.2 Smart customer service 24
6 Standardization Progress of 5G New Calling Openness 25
6.1 Standard progress 25
6.2 Ongoing progress and further vision 27
7 Industry Collaboration 29
7.1 Challenges faced by 5G New Calling open ecosystem 29
7.2 5G New Calling industrial activities 29
7.3 5G New Calling Joint Innovation Center 30
7.4 Recommendations 32