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SaskTel Deploys 5G at 40 More Saskatchewan Locations

2023-10-08 11:55:00| Source:Commsupdate

Saskatchewan-based operator SaskTel has announced its latest expansion of 5G mobile network sites, reaching 40 additional rural locations across the province to serve smaller communities and highways. The new rural 5G cell sites include settlements such as Balgonie, Biggar, Caronport, Grass Lake, Insinger, Humboldt, McLean, Rocanville Mine, Moosomin, Lashburn, Allan and Morse.

Currently, SaskTel’s 5G network can deliver mobile data speeds of up to 1.2Gbps, and the telco notes that it will provide significantly faster speeds in the future alongside massive network capacity and ultra-low latency, enabling new use cases for emerging technologies.

SaskTel is continuing its expansion of 5G and fibre networks under a commitment to invest more than CAD1.6 billion (USD1.2 billion) across Saskatchewan over five years. Dustin Duncan, the province’s Minister Responsible for SaskTel, declared: ‘Our government recognises how important advanced communication networks and technologies have become to the success of our people and province as a whole. The significant investments being made by SaskTel in 5G and fibre technologies will help strengthen the networks we rely on and ensure Saskatchewan remains one of the most well connected regions in the country.’
