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ZTE achieves PCE breakthrough

2014-01-14 14:57:01| Source:

ZTE Corporation,a global provider of telecommunications equipment, network solutions and mobile devices, complete the demonstration of an industry-first PCE (path computation element) control solution for deployment in optical transport networks, achieving a breakthrough in the development of SDN (software-defined networking) technology.

The  test was conducted by ZTE in partnership with China Mobile and the Research Institute of Telecommunications Transmission of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In the demonstration, ZTE’s PCE solution fulfilled functions including integrated PCE, multi-domain service scheduling and optical/electrical hybrid scheduling on ZTE’s WASON (WDM Automatic Switch Optical Network) system. The capabilities for PCE integrated path calculation of multi-domain multi-layer OTN and resource assignment that were verified in ZTE’s solution will help enable more intelligent management and control of optical networks, more efficient service scheduling, and improved resource utilization. ZTE’s solution was the first productized PCE control system demonstrated in the global industry.

The latest advance in ZTE’s PCE control system has laid technological foundations for the evolution of the next-generation SDN optical networks, bringing increased flexibility, openness and efficiency.
