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Details of 2500MHz auction released as 700MHz sale looms

2014-01-14 15:19:59| Source:

In the lead-up to the country’s 700MHz 4G licence auction on 14 January 2014, Industry Canada has released further details of the 2500MHz licence auction to follow, which it confirmed will commence on 14 April 2015. The 2500MHz auction framework rules include:

- spectrum caps to ensure that four or more providers have the opportunity to access 2500MHz spectrum, with the aim of fostering competition;

- smaller geographic licence areas, with the aim of providing more opportunity for rural internet service providers to participate in the 2500MHz auction; and

- strict provisions on transfers of 2500MHz spectrum ‘so that Canadian consumers continue to benefit from competitive market forces’.

Spectrum in the 2500MHz band is intended both for mobile broadband usage on devices such as smartphones and tablets, as well as fixed-wireless broadband internet services in rural areas.

Bidding applications for the 2500MHz auction are due by 27 November 2014.
